- Selenium IDE (http://www.seleniumhq.org/projects/ide/)
- Selenium WebDriver (http://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.jsp)
- Selenium Server and HTML Unit (http://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.jsp#htmlunit-driver)
We will be creating automated Web Tests using the WebDriver in C# Visual Studio. The following must exist in your system before creating WebDriver tests.
Selenium WebDriver Download
(Visual Studio) You can do this easily by going into the NUGET packages and installing Selenium WebDriver and Web Driver Support (Optional: For more advanced features not covered here).
Otherwise, You can download it at their website but you must add a reference.
WebBrowser WebDriver Download
Download the one that corresponds to your OS. Other Browser Drivers exist in the Selenium Homepage and projects created by others.
- Chrome: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads or via NuGET Package Manager (Search "Selenium Chrome" and add reference).
- Firefox: Provided in WebDriver.
- Other: http://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.jsp#chromedriver
After downloading the driver, you must add it into your project. (In VS, it is Via Add Reference)
Testing framework
The export function provides with it the markup used in NUnit tests, though WebDriver tests can be executed in any testing framework - NUnit or not - as WebDriver is independent of the test environment and language.
Test Adapter
To run tests in VS, we must download the proper adapter from Extensions.
You can also run selenium tests
without the adapter and using command-line: @NUnit/run "./path/to/TestProjectNUnitSelenium.dll"
WebDriver API
This is the exhaustive list of commands available in Selenium WebDriver(OpenQA.Selenium) in C#. You can easily find this using Intellisense on Visual studio. References will also be listed at the bottom.
//Navigation Commands, similar to buttons on the top of any
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(baseURL + "/bootstrap-cheatsheet/");
//Works like XPath
driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("item-checkbox[href=\"#checkbox\"] > span"));
//FindElement() Returns IWebElement
//FindElements() Returns List<IWebElement>
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> names = driver.FindElements(By.ClassName("UserName"));
//Returns Boolean
bool status;
status = driver.FindElement(By.Id("UserName")).Displayed;
status = driver.FindElement(By.Id("UserName")).Enabled;
status = driver.FindElement(By.Id("Sex-Male")).Selected;
//Returns tagname: div, input, etc.
String tagName = driver.FindElement(By.Id("SubmitButton")).TagName;
//Handling dropdowns (Multiple Select)
SelectElement select = new SelectElement(driver.FindElement(By.Id("yy_date_8")));
var listOptions = select.Options;
var boolean = select.IsMultiple;
var listSOptions = select.AllSelectedOptions;
var selectedOption = select.SelectedOption;
Creating tests from Selenium IDE Export
We will continue where we left off from Part 1, which is obtained from
By File -> Export Test Case As -> C#/NUnit
in the Selenium IDE.
This is what the generated file should look like:
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using NUnit.Framework;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome; //imports for drivers
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
namespace SeleniumTests
public class ExportTestCase
private IWebDriver driver;
private StringBuilder verificationErrors;
private string baseURL;
private bool acceptNextAlert = true;
public void SetupTest()
//Setup Driver, runs before EVERY TEST METHOD (as opposed to [SetUpTextFixture])
public void TeardownTest()
//Close Driver, runs after EVERY TEST METHOD.
public void TheExportTestCaseTest()
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(baseURL + "/");
//An Assert
Assert.AreEqual("Google Custom Search", driver.Title);
//A Verify
Assert.AreEqual("server", driver.FindElement(By.Id("gsc-i-id1")).GetAttribute("value"));
catch (AssertionException e)
//Extension methods
private bool IsElementPresent(By by)
private bool IsAlertPresent()
private string CloseAlertAndGetItsText()
Since this is NUnit, The [Attribute]
specifies commands to execute at the Test Fixture start up and exit.
The function under [Test] is the method that will be executing your Selenium commands. We will go through all of these
and more commands next.
The rest of the functions are helper or otherwise called extension methods. Extension methods wrap existing IWebDriver concrete methods with your own code for tailoring and at programmer’s convinience
Unsupported asserts
Selenium IDE comes with a number of \asserts in its plugin. However, export to C# / WebDriver results in some unsupported Asserts and Verifies. Here is a list of unsupported ones (at the time of this blog)
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllButtons | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllFields | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllLinks | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllWindowIds | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllWindowNames | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllWindowTitles | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAttributeFromAllWindows | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getCookie | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getCookieByName | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isCookiePresent | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isCookiePresent | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getCursorPosition | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isEditable | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getElementHeight | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getElementIndex | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getElementPositionLeft | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getElementPositionTop | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getEval | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getExpression | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getHtmlSource | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getMouseSpeed | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllButtons | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllFields | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllLinks | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllWindowIds | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllWindowNames | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAllWindowTitles | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getAttributeFromAllWindows | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getCookie | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getMouseSpeed | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getPrompt | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isOrdered | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectOptions | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedId | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedIds | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedIndex | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedIndexes | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedLabel | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedValue | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedValues | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isSomethingSelected | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSpeed | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getTable | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isOrdered | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getPrompt | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isPromptPresent | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isPromptPresent | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectOptions | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedId | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedIndex | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedIds | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedIndexes | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedLabel | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedLabels | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedValue | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSelectedValues | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [isSomethingSelected | element | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getSpeed | | ]]
// ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [getTable | element | ]]
Unsupported IDE actions can still be replicated using the API presented above. Similar notion applies to verifies, as cerify
is implemented with asserts and try-catch
Coding style
Currently, a driver is created at the start of each test method. It is possible to wrap drivers in a using statment using(IWebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver()){}
and have that in each test method, which imitates what we currently have. The modern argument against it is that it is repeated code. Plus if you would like to test multiple drivers, we can have a List
The Teardown executes after each test method. Though, it may be required to add extra code such that exceptions will be caught and call driver.quit
less there will be a memory leak.
Example Test Method
public void TheExportTestCaseTest()
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(baseURL + "/bootstrap-cheatsheet/");
//Include some asserts
IWebElement input = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(".//*[@id='showbox-example']/div/input"));
Topics not covered here can be found at the references below.
- Waits
- PageObjects (From Selenium Support, used for OO-style testing)
Selenium - ToolsQA
Selenium IDE Documentation
Last updated: June 23th, 2016